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The newest mutation of the green cheeked conure: the lutino & crème-ino

The suncheek and the lutino: two totally different mutations

Until recently the suncheek was the most yellow-tinted mutant of the pyrrhura molinae. This suncheek arised in the United States and got this bizarre name there.

This previously yellow tinted molinae is in fact a dilute cinnamon opaline bird ( read also : dilute pineapple) with black eyes. The distinction is therefore very clearly visible on the attached photos.

The main differences are:

100% pure yellowyellow-tinted with green shine
red eyesblack eyes
white feathers in the wingslight turquoise feathers in the wings
standalone mutationcombination of mutations

The origin of the lutino green cheek

The lutino of the pyrrhura molinae is a 100% pure green cheek conure and not a hybride ! Several years ago accidentally born by mister Jozef Slechten from Belgium. The parents were : an opaline / cinnamon  X opalinecinnamon (pineapple). The grandfather from the first lutino was from my own breedingcenter : green / cinnamon & opaline. The grandmother was a cinnamonopaline (pineapple) from his region. Apperently then he linked a son and daughter from this pair which have given the first lutino. I advised him to risk not the sexing by endoscopy and have taken myself some feathers to send them for DNA sexing.

Great was my surprise when I discovered that the first lutino was a male bird ! So the heredity of the lutino is recessive and not sex-linked !

Later he linked the grandfather with the granddaughter (= sister of the first lutino and therefore possible split lutino) and the grandmother with the grandson (= brother of the first lutino and also possible split lutino). The combination with the grandfather and granddaughter have given also a lutino youngster. The origin of the lutino bloodline is due to the grandfather who was bred in my breedingcenter.

Now also te creme-ino: a beautiful pastelmutant

This extremely recent mutant is in fact a turquoise lutino. Because we don’t have yet a 100% pure blue mutant at the pyrrhura molinae, we can not breed an albino green cheek yet (= blue lutino )!

But we have the turquoise (=aquamarine) molinae. The combination of lutino with turquoise results in this beautiful pastel mutant : the creme-ino!

Since this is a combination of two recessive mutations, it is not so obvious and easy to grow creme-inos.

In the first phase it is possible to breed from the combinations lutino X turquoise  and from turquoise X lutino only double split birds. This means birds that are split for lutino and split for turquoise.

Then you can breed from the combination double split X double split on the one hand lutinos that are POSSIBLE split for turquoise, and on the other hand also turquoise molinaes that are POSSIBLE split for lutino and… exceptionally even a creme-ino.

A combination of lutino X split lutino & turquoise is not very interesting because they grow lutinos that are POSSIBLE split for turquoise and give no creme-inos. 

Also a combination of turquoise X split turquoise & lutino is not optimal because you breed then turquoise birds who are only POSSIBLE split for lutino. Also in that combination , the growth of creme-inos is not possible.


Breeding creme-ino molinaes is not so evident by the combination of two recessive mutations (lutino & turquoise). Only once you have turquoise / lutino  and lutino / turquoise birds growing creme-inos is easier and more successful!

Important note :
In the red-eye mutations, it is highly recommended to combine them always with a split bird (with black eyes ) and to breed in timely other bloodlines !